Coal - bed Methane (CBM)

CBM is a potentially important energy resource in many of the major coal mining countries of the world. Significant volumes of CBM are exploited worldwide with most of the gas originating from operational deep coal mines, and lesser quantities recovered from abandoned mine workings. CBM is a clean fuel with similar properties to natural gas.

Methane degasification methods –
With the increasing coal production and depth of coal mines, traditional ventilation methods are not always the most economical methods of handling methane in the coal seam. Degasification systems have been developed that recover the gas before, during, or after mining. The degasification methods, coupled with mine ventilation, may be the most economical method of keeping methane concentrations low in many mines.
Degasification methods that have been used in the U.S. include vertical wells, gob wells, horizontal boreholes, and cross-measure boreholes.

(1) Vertical wells method - The term “vertical well” is generally applied to a well drilled through a coal seam or seams and cased to pre-drain the methane prior to mining. The wells are normally placed in operation 2 to 7 years ahead of mining and the coal seam is hydraulically fractured to remove much of the methane from the seam. The water in the coal seams must be removed to provide better flow of gas. This water is separated and must then be treated and/or disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner. To enhance the flow of gas from a vertical well, either hydraulic fracturing or open-hole cavity completions are generally used.

Vertical wells recover high-quality gas from the coal seam and the surrounding strata. The gas quality is ensured in most cases because the methane will not be diluted by ventilation from the mine. The total amount of methane recovered depends on site-specific conditions such as the gas content of the coal seams and surrounding strata, permeability of the geologic materials, the drainage time, the amount of negative head applied, and other variables of the geologic and extractive systems. Vertical wells can recover 50% to 90% of the gas content of the coal and are normally placed in operation two to seven years before mining commences.
Vertical wells offer an advantage over other methods because they can be applied to multiple coal seams simultaneously. These wells produce greater gas yields that can make them commercially economic as well as further reduce the potential for gas influx into the operating mine.

(2) Gob Wells - The designation “gob well” refers to the type of coalbed methane (CBM) recovery well that extracts methane from the gob areas of a mine after the mining has caved the overlying strata. Gob wells differ from vertical wells in the sense that they are normally drilled to a point 10 to 50 feet above the target seam prior to mining, but are operated only after mining fractures the strata around the wellbore. The methane emitted from the fractured strata then flows into the well and up to the surface. The flow rates are mainly controlled by the natural head created by the low-density methane gas or can be stimulated by blowers on the surface. Gob wells can recover 30% to 70% of methane emissions depending on geologic conditions and the number of gob wells within the panel.

(3) Horizontal Boreholes - Horizontal holes are drilled into the coal seam from development entries in the mine. They drain methane from the unmined areas of the coal seam shortly before mining, reducing the flow of methane into the mining section. Because methane drainage occurs only from the mined coal seam and the period of drainage is relatively short, the recovery efficiency of this technique is low.

(4) Cross-Measure Boreholes - Cross-measure boreholes are drilled at an angle to the strata, normally from existing mine entries. The boreholes are strategically placed above areas to be mined with the goal of pre-draining the overlying strata and exhausting gas from the gob area. Like horizontal borehole systems, the individual holes must be connected to a main pipeline which ordinarily is coursed through a vertical borehole to the surface.

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Pengertian FOSIL yaitu Jejak / sisa kehidupan baik langsung / tidak langsung terawetkan dalam lapisan kulit bumi, terjadi secara alami dan mempunyai umur geologi ( > 500.000 tahun )

Sedangkan FOSILISASI yaitu semua proses yang melibatkan penimbunan hewan atau tumbuhan dalam sedimen, yang terakumulasi & mengalami pengawetan seluruh maupun sebagian tubuhnya serta pada jejak-jejaknya

Syarat Terbentuknya FOSIL
1. Mempunyai bagian yang keras
2. Segera terhindar dari proses-proses kimia (oksidasi & reduksi)
3. Tidak menjadi mangsa binatang lain
4. Terendapkan pada batuan yang berbutir halus >>> agar tidak larut
5. Terawetkan dalam batuan sedimen
6. Terawetkan dalam waktu geologi (minimal 500.000 tahun)

Proses Yang Mempengaruhi Terbentuknya Fosil
1. Histometabasis
Penggantian sebagian tubuh fosil tumbuhan dengan pengisian mineral lain (cth : silika) dimana fosil tersebut diendapkan

2. Permineralisasis
Histometabasis pada binatang

3. Rekristalisasi
Berubahnya seluruh/sebagian tubuh fosil akibat P & T yang tinggi, sehingga molekul-molekul dari tubuh fosil (non-kristalin) akan mengikat agregat tubuh fosil itu sendiri menjadi kristalin

4. Replacement/Mineralisasi/Petrifikasi
Penggantian seluruh bagian fosil dengan mineral lain

5. Dehydrasi/Leaching/Pelarutan

6. Mold/Depression
Fosil berongga dan terisi mineral lempung

7. Trail & Track
Trail = cetakan/jejak-jejak kehidupan binatang purba yang menimbulkan kenampakan yang lebih halus
Track = sama dengan trail, namun ukurannya lebih besar
Burrow = lubang-lubang tempat tinggal yang ditinggalkan binatang purba

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Geologist Vs Caver

Pertanyaan dasar apa yg muncul ketika melihat gambar ini ??

A Geologist ??
lokasi singkapan, Kedalaman, Koordinat, Umur, Warna, Tekstur, Struktur, Bidang perpisan, Deformasi, Dolomitisasi, Litologi, Lingkungan pengendapan, Fragmen, Mineralisasi, Fosil,

A Caver ??
Kedalaman, Lokasi, tehnik SRT, Jenis Goa (Vertikal/Horizontak), panjang, Lama waktu penelusuran, Mapping,

satu hal yang pasti sama : "Keren,,,,,!!!!"

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